Thursday, December 13, 2007
Sleep Over

Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Deidre's comin!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
The Bard

Sunday, September 16, 2007
Weekend of Paint!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Oh Happy September!

Saturday, June 09, 2007
Flying with My Bro

Saturday, May 26, 2007
On Top of the World
Friday, May 11, 2007
Road Trips

I have favorite roads, too. My criteria for good driving roads include winding roads, beautiful scenery and few cars. Know any drives like that? My favorites include: the Highland Valley road from Ashcroft to Logan Lake and then to Merritt, Highway #1 from Spencers Bridge to Hope, Duffy Lake Road from Lillooet to Whistler and the road from Osooyos to Grand Forks.
How about you, do you have a favorite drive?
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Lorie's 40!

Lorie and I have known each other since we were five - can you believe that? My family built a house next to Lorie and her family - the rest is history. We went to kindergarten together - me with my purple mat and her with her blanket - even then she was popular with the boys!
On May 5th, Lorie's husband Pat and her friends threw a big party, complete with 40 purple balloons, snacks, drinks, flowers, chatting, dancing and bags of money! What more could a gal ask for? I must say that Lorie has great friends - everyone seemed to have a great time as people danced until 3 am.
See, old people can still party!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
One of Those Days
This is one of those rare times when I wished that I lived in the city where I could distract myself by getting a coffee and people watching the day away. Or browsing the bookstore for an interesting new author or finding a new CD at a listening station. Guess that I could get in my car and drive to Kamloops, but accompanying this restless mood is the desire to stay close to home. AHHH - what to do!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
So, What's the Deal with Facebook?

Sunday, March 18, 2007
Spring Break!

So, I'm, heading to Victoria to visit Michele, Augie and Slendid. Looking forward to the green grass, spring flowers and ocean smells - and of course, shopping, coffees and eating out!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Sandra Dee!

Thought that I should begin with a visual of Sandra - for all those thousands of blog readers who do not know her personally. Lovely picture, isn't it? Usually she has such a great smile - not too sure what she was trying to achieve with this facial expression, but it does give an insight into her often goofy personality.
Sandra aka Gus ,(I don't know why this is her nickname) likes to act silly from time to time. Is it an act, or is she really as naive as she pretends? Sandra has been known to ask an obvious questions or two - but that's a good thing. Better you ask a question, Sandra than sit there in confusion!
Anyway, I know that she is very involved with 4h and has been very successful over the years. She is trying snowboarding for the first time this Friday - very proud of you for taking a risk! And she already has her grad dress all pickout out (it looks fantastic on you!) Last spring I watched Sandra hurt innocent baby calves as she learned to brand on her parents farm - can't say that I could do that. Sandra is slowly gaining more confidence in herself and her abilities. She is a strong, cabable and talented young woman - even if she doesn't know it yet.
See, she's not as bad as she looks!!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
This is STUPID!

Saturday, February 24, 2007
Oh My God - That Took Forever

Sunday, February 18, 2007
Day of Skiing

I'm looking forward to our school trip on March 16 th. I'll be the one in the red jacket looking like a fool among the trees!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Holidays in Paradise

So, let's back up a bit. Had a fabulous Christmas holiday. Went home to Clearwater to hang out with my family for 3 days. Ate a ton of food, played some games, went skiing a couple of times and had the best day sledding - ever!! Skidoos rock!! Then I drove fantically to Vancouver with my fingers crossed - hoping that customs would let me on the plane without my passport - don't ask!!! (Well, if you want to know - come ask me!) Anyway, made it onto the plane - must have been the smile that I flashed at the check point - and was met at the airport in Mexico, by my tall, charming friend Leah (she's the one in the middle).
Leah found us an awesome apartment for the week - living the high life, I tell you. It was right in the main square of Ixtapa - huge veranda, giant king sized bed and designer granite bathroom with a fabulous soaker tub that had a window overlooking the square. Of course there was a small catch - we were right across from a club that had live music playing from 11:30pm - til 3am each night!! Seriously!! Let me tell you, if you are tired enough, you CAN fall asleep to salsa music!
Eileen (friend on the right) and her family arrived 2 days after me and we all had a great 10 days hanging out on the beach, playing cricket on the sand, frolicking in the waves, eating shrimp tacos and drinking margaritas - all except the kids -no margaritas for them!
Ok, this is getting long and out of hand. To make a long story short, got a great tan, had a wonderful time catching up with old and dear friends and have already started planning our next rendevous - hello NY!