Thursday, November 30, 2006

A School Without Students!

I was just getting out of the shower, thinking about what I was going to wear for punk day at school, when the phone rang. I always panic when the phone rings early in the morning - I immediately think that something bad has occurred. Anyway, I ran downstairs soaking wet and gingerly picked up the receiver. My instincts were correct - bad news - no school :( Apparently the building was flooded and closed for the day.

Ok, I can't lie, I wasn't terribly sad to hear the news. In fact I was just a bit pleased to hear the news - ok, ok, more than just a bit pleased!! You don't understand - a school without students is a wonderful place!! Not everyday, but once a year - it is paradise!!

So, did I stay at home, surfing the net, playing some good tunes and baking up a storm? No, I went where all good teachers go - to school, of course!! When I arrived at DSS I found all the other teachers there too - You just can't keep us away!

I had a glorious day - leisurely completing the NL, filing, organizing, choosing texts, cleaning up computer files and returning emails to colleagues - all activities I usually don't have time for because I am busy working with students. While I realize that my job depends on the presence of actual students in the class, imagine how much I would get done if the school was closed on a more regular basis!!

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